All who
are led by the Spirit of God are children of God . . .
it is that very Spirit
bearing witness of our spirit that we are children of God,
and if children,
then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ . . .
~ Selected verses from Romans
calls us Children of the Spirit, Children of the Light, Children of the One
Most High, a lot. It was
counter-cultural to remind folks of Jesus’ era to love children, and that God
loves us as his little children, his little flock, but oh, how it still
resounds today!
never know when a Paco is standing or sitting beside you. Or maybe your name is Paco too, no matter
what your gender, or what gender the parent is to their child with broken
relationships between the two. As a
matter of fact, as a young friend said to me this past week, you never know
when someone is going through a “freaking out” moment. I suspect at any time, we all experience the
brokenness—and it’s just a matter of when that will or has happened that makes
the difference in all our lives.
The Good
News is that whatever message we hear, or experience we have, God never
withdraws God’s love. God’s love is
unconditional. God doesn’t say, as humans
often do, “If you are not a good person, Father won’t love you.” God’s love for us is in no way lessened by
our moral failures. Even if we are angry
with Godself or make ourselves God’s enemies, God’s love is steadfast.
Weatherhead says “[God] will never do us an evil or let an evil which befalls
us have the last word. If [God] must not
divert it or deliver us from it yet, [God] will make it serve us and serve [God’s]
purpose in us and for us. [God’s]
omnipotence does not mean that everything that happens to us is [God’s] will,
but it does mean that nothing can possibly defeat [God].”
the kind of parent I want. That’s the
kind of parent I need. God IS that kind
of parent. Wanting the very best for us,
with pure Love. Utterly loving,
infinitely strong, resourceful and purposeful, not allowing us to be lost
forever, coming to our rescue and protecting us from ultimate destruction.
deep. Be still. Let God embrace you, even during the freak
God’s promise to us, as children. For
God so loved the world, God gave himself to us in Jesus Christ, who in fully in
human form, loved us to death. Not to
condemn us, but to rescue us from our fears, our angers, our “freak out”
moments. I trust that promise, because
God doesn’t break promises. Cross my heart.
and joy,