The 'Crafty Cupids,' also known as The Wild Wonderful Women of West End, are meeting at my house tomorrow to practice acts of kindness, in our wild and wonderful way. For some, this is pushing the envelope, as we are better known as Fumble Fingers, but that won't stop us. Hasn't stopped us from grinning over the smiles we hope to spread in the next few weeks, anyway.
Which reminds me of a cartoon I saw recently. I wish I could reprint it here, but that doesn't appear to be happening at the moment. So picture this: Jesus and his disciples are standing between a bonfire and a stone wall, practicing shadow puppets. John, Peter, Andrew, et al are projecting some mighty fine dogs, birds, dinosaurs, but none of them can outdo Jesus' mennorah, complete with flames. While the disciples are bemoaning the fact they can't compete, therein lies the lesson. It's not about the competition, it's about the doing. But don't compare. It would stop you in your tracks before you even get started.
In other words, if you want to be, you have to do. The Wild Wonderful Women of West End want to be loving, compassionate, laughing disciples of Jesus, together on the journey. They are doing just that, without comparison. Here's a sample of their Living Out Loud Manifesto:
I, _____________, hereby choose to make the following beliefs a part of my daily life...
...make play a priority
...dream expansively out LOUD
...create abundance from what I have at my fingertips
...reinvent myself when necessary
...give back to the world
...encourage gratitude
...challenge my greatest fears
...recognize my unique talents and gifts
...share these gifts with the world
...surround myself with beauty
...release all judgment of my creative expressions of love
...praise God with thankfulness in being part of God's creative spirit!
We can all do such magnificent things/actions. Even if you are a Fumble Fingers.
Speaking of which, the first person to respond to this blog may just receive one of their crafty blessings. I hope it's you!
Grace and joy,
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