Thursday, May 17, 2012

Putting Out Fires

When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.

That’s a reminder I often need to hear.

If there had been fire departments in Jesus’ day, we might find those words as one of his quotes in Scripture, with the addition of fighting fire with Living Water.  Even coals of kindness are laced with compassion and mercy—not vengefulness.

I found myself angry this week at a spiritual-political culture, although at the time I focused in on one group.  I reached out to others to flesh out my feelings and determine how I could forgive or reconcile a situation.  Normally I stew, fuss and fume and sometimes do something or say something stupid.  Thank God this time I listened to the godly advice of trusted colleagues and a spiritual advisor.   The anger/resentment has been diverted to a new Voice.

Bless them all—they helped me discern, reflect and be kinder—even to myself—but to stand strong to claim a voice of injustice that is reflected in a culture.  Cultures can take on personalities and forces above and beyond the individuals involved, typically when power and control over others come into play.  It takes a greater voice of leadership, morality and ethics to change the culture within a particular political setting—whether it’s a nation or group of nations, a church or The Church—you get the drift.  And more times than not, the greater voice is the Greater Voice, our Higher Power.  God.

I may have little influence—indeed, am probably powerless—in my specific wrestlings this past week, but linked arm in arm with others in the Body of Christ, we can hold on to our faithfulness, direct the energy of our anger and hurt to positive channels.  Kind of like the power of a fire hose, under the pressure of the Holy Spirit.  My bit at any given time may just be a little squirt, but I’ll continue to be mindful to be filled with Living Water so as not to damage another, or me.

At least that’s the view from my desk.  This day, no fires in my line of sight, thank God!

Grace and joy,

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