Friday, February 22, 2013

Spotty but Not Contagious (Well Maybe)

Our membership vow emphasis during Lent is centered on Service.  

Service is not works righteousness.  We serve the world for Christ’s sake, not our own, from a place inside ourselves that is grateful for what we have and what has been done for us.  That’s the agape love—acts of love that are unconditional, reflecting the light of Christ in us—that’s meant to share.  It’s its sole purpose, not to get God or anyone else for that matter to love us, accept us, or even rack up celestial brownie points in order to give us unholy fire insurance!  We just do it, with no expectations.  

It’s certainly easier said than done!  And perhaps as hard, to accept that kind of loving act.  Sometimes it makes some of us uncomfortable.  What shall I do in return?  Surely a thank you isn’t enough.

Well, in one way, it isn’t enough, because most of us aren’t wired to take, take, take and never give.  But that uncomfortableness is probably the bits inside of us to urge us to pay the gift forward, doing for others as has been done for us.  

I’ve had an uncomfortable, unusual illness this past week—an allergy to some unknown something which has reacted by bringing welps, hives and tremendous itching from my head to my toes.  I’ve had antibiotics and steroids to stem the symptoms, but with little if any relief.  I have felt like a second grader again with measles or chicken pox!  Thank goodness for Maybelline, or I would scare the mailman.  My internist has no idea what the cause is, as most of the obvious suspects have been present all along, as far as we know.  (And no, I haven’t been ingesting any mammal protein, due to my Alpha-GAL systemic issue).  

I am grateful for an understanding staff, for the concern of neighbors and church members.  One of our church members, despite my assurances that my pantry was well-stocked, appeared at my door yesterday with a boatload of healthy comfort food and items—chicken soup, fresh fruit, yogurt, whole wheat muffins, some oatmeal skin soaking bath stuff to help calm my itching skin and even a gel mask to settle my itching eyelids!  Bringing a box of Cookie Monster cookies, a bottle of cinnamon and Kleenexes made me smile.  Did I physically need any of those things?  No, but I could feel the agape love, better than any other medicine or gift!  

THAT’S Service.  Christian service.

Can I repay her?  Maybe.  Can I pay it forward? You betcha.  Will I?  Hopefully, every chance I get.  Service is contagious like that.  My itching spots aren't contagious, by the way.

You know, it’s awfully fun working for the Kingdom, sometimes.  

That’s the view from my desk this morning, itching and all.

Grace and joy,

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